空军特种作战司令部(Air Force Special Operations Command)就曾公布时机购置2861台 iPad 2 平板电脑,美国空军(United States Air Force)的空中灵活司令部(Air Mobility Command)打算购...
The Air Force Special operations Command contract calls for SAIC to provide operations and maintenance support to Dragon operations Centers at Cannon Air Force Base, N.M., and Nellis AFB, Nev.
空军特种作战司令部合同号召SAIC为位于新墨西哥州Can non空军基地和位于内华达州Nellis空军基地的Dragon作战中心提供作战和维护支持。
Air Force. The radios will support the changing communication needs of the entire Air Force enterprise, including Security Forces, Special Operations, Combat Engineers and Air Mobility Command (AMC).